          Chinese best moral value "Show.Sheng. 7.Job. Zhi.Gwall. Ping.Ten.Shot" Even a woman who wants to lose weight (That may explain how come in China Dynasty time, they always left their door widely open [what China Dynasty failed to see was you own public power, you are public 辦公室出租 authority, you have no right to left your door widely open to draw werewolf to eat you all no way to trace up; that how you Taiwanese should seal your border like MouJerDong had done to provide 禮服every Taiwanese basic natural decent life need Free of Charge <You need to do better than MouJerDong, in order to avoid his failure, you have to kill any woman immediately after she giving birth to make sure your s 訂做禮服mall island can afford to provide you all decent natural life need.>. "Ping.Ten.Shot" must rely on good will and wisdom, cannot rely on force or evil deeds; however, the evil doers cannot have the good sense to know your good will and wisdo 濾桶m, therefore, you have to kill all liar evil doer fake man first, before you can have any chance to fulfill "Ping.Ten.Shot" to share your man made paradise along with the rest of the world.], not ever need anyone to show any visa or document to entered their 租房子place, because they knew the rich and famous must all surrounded by evil doers ##You are among the richest and most famous, even your most proud little sister-in-law "Sung.May.Lynn" must kiss your ass, not mention those less power of the pride suckers##, unless you can have every one s 房屋買賣ame poor to share the entire your natural resource equally free of charge, you have no way to seal your border; that how poor MouJerDong could, after MouJerDong no one be good enough to do like that, not even ChiangKaiShek because of his spouse [Just replay or re-call how she ass kissed ##She must be too s 長灘島tupid bad ugly evil to know that she should just directly asked him for money like a spoiled little sister always do; had he lost his big brother heart to her, she should just disappear out of his life not ever to bother his eyes or ears again.## her oldest richest brother-in-law "Cone.Sean.C" in front of so many "What.Sin.Yu.Yo 室內裝潢.Yuen" eyes without ChiangKaiShek at her side to figure out more behind any "What.Sin.Yu.Yo.Yuan" could have the room to know what's going on behind their back.] was one of the richest and most famous unlucky family blooded.) really, must have to rely on EXTREME "自愛", not to follow western low lower lowest drug or surgery; not mention to build 濾桶 up yourself a good nation. China Dynasty could left you so much heart touching writing, so many best quality producing, all because made by the best integrity "Hank.Hank.True.Chwon.Yuan" by themself, none of those can be got out of your own land.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 小額信貸  .

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